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Osteopathy for babies

Osteopathy, especially cranial, adapts very well to the physiology of babies. It can be consulted from the first day of life, since the techniques used are very gentle and respectful of the baby's tissues

The baby's body has a great capacity for adaptation, and the tensions experienced during the in-utero period and childbirth can be reflected at birth.

When to consult?

  • Complicated labour, excessively long or short, caesarean section, use of forceps or ventouse…
  • Irritable baby, cries inconsolably, shows signs of pain or discomfort (turns red, arches, clenches fists)
  • Asymmetry of the baby’s posture at rest (tendency to always turn the head to the same side, arched position to one side, asymmetry of arms / legs
  • The baby shows discomfort in some positions (does not like to be on his tummy or his back, in a baby carrier, cries when being dressed or when changing the nappy…)
  • Plagiocephaly (deformity of the baby’s head) : “pointy” head, asymmetrical, one eye more closed than the other, one ear higher than the other, turning the head to the same side, wearing of the hair behind the head asymmetrically…)
  • Digestive disorders (regurgitation, constipation, vomiting)
  • Respiratory disorders (noisy breathing, excessive mucus)
  • Excessive eye secretions (eyelids glued together by secretions when waking up)
  • Recurrent otitis